Calreticulin co-expression supports high level production of a recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike mimetic inNicotiana benthamiana

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An effective prophylactic vaccine is urgently needed to protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection. The viral spike, which mediates entry into cells by interacting with the host angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, is the primary target of most vaccines in development. These vaccines aim to elicit protective immunity against the glycoprotein by use of inactivated virus, vector-mediated delivery of the antigenin vivo, or by direct immunization with the purified antigen following expression in a heterologous system. These approaches are mostly dependent on the growth of mammalian or insect cells, which requires a sophisticated infrastructure that is not generally available in developing countries due to the incumbent costs which are prohibitive. Plant-based subunit vaccine production has long been considered as a cheaper alternative, although low expression yields and differences along the secretory pathway to mammalian cells have posed a challenge to producing certain viral glycoproteins. Recent advances that have enabled many of these constraints to be addressed include expressing the requisite human proteins in plants to support the maturation of the protein of interest. In this study we investigated these approaches to support the production of a soluble and putatively trimeric SARS-CoV-2 spike mimetic inNicotiana benthamianavia transientAgrobacterium-mediatedexpression. The co-expression of human calreticulin dramatically improved the accumulation of the viral spike, which was barely detectable in the absence of the co-expressed accessory protein. The viral antigen was efficiently processed even in the absence of co-expressed furin, suggesting that processing may have occurred at the secondary cleavage site and was mediated by an endogenous plant protease. In contrast, the spike was not efficiently processed when expressed in mammalian cells as a control, although the co-expression of furin improved processing considerably. This study demonstrates the feasibility of molecular engineering to improve the production of viral glycoproteins in plants, and supports plant-based production of SARS-CoV-2 spike-based vaccines and reagents for serological assays.

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