The challenges of caring for people dying from COVID-19: a multinational, observational study of palliative and hospice services (CovPall)

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Systematic data on the care of people dying with COVID-19 are scarce. We studied the response of and challenges for palliative care services during the COVID-19 pandemic.


We surveyed palliative care and hospice services, contacted via relevant organisations. Multivariable logistic regression identified associations with key challenges. Content analysis explored free text.


458 services responded; 277 UK, 85 rest of Europe, 95 rest of the world (1 country unreported); 81% cared for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, 77% had staff with suspected or confirmed COVID-19; 48% reported shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 40% staff shortages, 24% medicines shortages, 14% shortages of other equipment. Services provided direct care and education in symptom management and communication; 91% changed how they worked. Care often shifted to increased community and hospital care, with fewer admissions to inpatient palliative care units. Factors associated with increased odds of PPE shortages were: charity rather than public management (OR 3·07, 95% CI 1·81-5·20), inpatient palliative care unit rather than other setting (OR 2·34, 95% CI 1·46-3·75). Being outside the UK was associated with lower odds of staff shortages (OR 0·44, 95% CI 0·26-0·76). Staff described increased workload, concerns for their colleagues who were ill, whilst expending time struggling to get essential equipment and medicines, perceiving they were not a front-line service.


Across all settings palliative care services were often overwhelmed, yet felt ignored in the COVID-19 response. Palliative care needs better integration with health care systems when planning and responding to future epidemics/pandemics.


MRC grant number MR/V012908/1, Cicely Saunders International and NIHR ARC South London.

Research in context

Evidence before this study

Systematic data on the response of palliative care services during COVID-19 are lacking. A search of PubMed on 27 August 2020 (start date: 01 December 2019) using keywords (palliative care OR end of life care OR hospice) and (COVID-19 OR coronavirus) and (multinational OR international) identified no studies that reported multinational or international data; there were 79 articles, mostly opinion pieces, single centre case studies or reports. A search for systematic reviews about palliative care and hospice services during pandemics of PubMed, with the same time periods and the keywords (palliative care OR end of life care OR hospice) and (COVID-19 OR coronavirus OR SARS-CoV-2) and (systematic review OR meta-analysis), identified one systematic review by Etkind et al, which underpinned this research and shares two senior authors (Higginson, Sleeman). Of 3094 articles identified, 10 studies, all observational, considered the palliative care response in pandemics. Studies were from single units or countries: West Africa, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the U.S. (a simulation), and Italy (the only one considering COVID-19). The review concluded hospice and palliative care services are essential in the response to COVID-19 but systematic data are urgently needed to inform how to improve care for those who are likely to die, and/or have severe symptoms.

Added value of this study

We found a high response by palliative care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Services cared for a surge in patients dying from and with severe symptoms due to COVID-19 in three main categories: patients with underlying conditions and/or multimorbid disease not previously known to palliative care (70% of services), patients already known to palliative care services (47% of services), and patients, previously healthy, now dying from COVID-19 (37% of services). More than three quarters of services reported having staff with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. We found high levels of shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), staff, medicines and other equipment, with different effects according to service management, care settings and world regions. Mitigating these challenges was extremely time consuming, limiting the palliative care response.

Implications of all the available evidence

Despite actively supporting dying patients, those with severe symptoms, their families/carers, and supporting other clinicians, palliative care professionals felt ignored by national health systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Palliative care services need equipment, medicines and adequate staff to contribute fully to the pandemic response. Their crucial role must be better recognised and integrated, including into infection disease management, with improved workforce planning and management, so that patients and families can be better supported.

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