Protein allocation and utilization in the versatile chemolithoautotrophCupriavidus necator

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Bacteria must balance the different needs for substrate assimilation, growth functions, and resilience in order to thrive in their environment. Of all cellular macromolecules, the bacterial proteome is by far the most important resource and its size is limited. Here, we investigated how the highly versatile ‘knallgas’ bacteriumCupriavidus necatorreallocates protein resources when grown on different limiting substrates and with different growth rates. We determined protein quantity by mass spectrometry and estimated enzyme utilization by resource balance analysis modeling. We found thatC. necatorinvests a large fraction of its proteome in functions that are hardly utilized. Of the enzymes that are utilized, many are present in excess abundance. One prominent example is the strong expression of CBB cycle genes such as Rubisco during growth on fructose. Modeling and mutant competition experiments suggest that CO2-reassimilation through Rubisco does not provide a fitness benefit for heterotrophic growth, but is rather an investment in readiness for autotrophy.


  • A large fraction of theC. necatorproteome is not utilized and not essential

  • Highly utilized enzymes are more abundant and less variable

  • Autotrophy related enzymes are largely underutilized

  • Re-assimilation of CO2viathe CBB cycle is unlikely to provide a fitness benefit

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