Circadian oscillation of perireceptor events influence olfactory sensitivity in diurnal and nocturnal mosquitoes

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Olfaction and circadian rhythm gate different behaviors in mosquitoes that are important for their capacity to transmit disease. However, the mechanisms of odor detection, and the circadian-guided changes in olfactory sensitivity across different mosquito species, remain largely unexplored. To this end, we performed a circadian-dependent RNA-sequencing study of the peripheral olfactory- and brain tissues of femaleAnopheles culicifaciesandAedes aegyptimosquitoes. Data analysis revealed a significant upregulation of genes encoding: (a) odorant binding proteins (OBPs), required for transportation of odorant molecules towards the olfactory receptors, and (b) xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XMEs) during the day time inAedes aegyptiand during the dusk-transition phase inAnopheles culicifacies. While XMEs primarily function in the elimination of toxic xenobiotics, concurrent elevation of XMEs and OBPs are hypothesized to act cumulatively to regulate perireceptor events and odorant sensitivity. Electroantennographic analysis with bothAnopheles gambiaeandAedes aegyptiagainst diverse behaviorally relevant odorants, combined with XMEs inhibitors and RNA interference, establish the proof-of-concept that XMEs function in perireceptor events during odorant detection and influence the odorant sensitivity in mosquitoes. Additionally, the RNA-sequencing and RNAi-mediated knockdown data revealed that daily temporal modulation of neuronal serine proteases may facilitate the consolidation of the brain function, and influence the odor detection process in both diurnal and nocturnal mosquitoes. These findings provide the impetus to further explore the species-specific rhythmic expression pattern of the neuro-olfactory encoded molecular factors, which could pave the way to develop and implement successful mosquito control methods.

Graphical Abstract

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  • Circadian oscillation of perireceptor proteins possibly influences time-of-day dependent change olfactory sensitivity in diurnal and nocturnal mosquitoes

  • Diurnal and nocturnal mosquitoes depict distinct dynamic change in perireceptor proteins

  • Inhibition of cytochrome P450 gene minimizes antennal response to different odorants

  • Neuronal serine protease may consolidate brain function and odor detection

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