Genotypic and phenotypic consequences of domestication in dogs

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Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are genomic regions that arise when two copies of identical haplotypes are inherited from a shared common ancestor. In this study, we leverage ROH to identify associations between genetic diversity and non-disease phenotypes inCanis lupus familiaris(dogs). We find significant association between the ROH inbreeding coefficient (FROH) and several phenotypic traits. These traits include height, weight, lifespan, muscled, white coloring of the head and chest, furnishings, and fur length. After correcting for population structure, we identified more than 45 genes across the examined quantitative traits that exceed the threshold for suggestive significance. We observe distinct distributions of inbreeding and elevated levels of long ROH in modern breed dogs compared to more ancient breeds, which aligns with breeding practices during Victorian era breed establishment. Our results highlight the impact of non-additive variation and of polygenicity on complex quantitative phenotypes in dogs due to domestication and the breed formation bottleneck.

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