Negative regulation of miRNAs sorting in EVs: the RNA-binding protein PCBP2 impairs SYNCRIP-mediated miRNAs EVs loading

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While it is accepted that Extracellular Vesicles (EVs)-mediated transfer of microRNAs contributes to intercellular communication, the knowledge about molecular mechanisms controlling the selective and dynamic miRNA-loading in EVs is still limited to few specific RNA-binding proteins interacting with sequence determinants. Moreover, although mutagenesis analysis demonstrated the presence/function of specific intracellular retention motifs, the interacting protein/s remained unknown.

Here, PCBP2 was identified as a direct interactor of an intracellular retention motif: RIP coupled to RNA pull down and proteomic analysis demonstrated that it binds to miRNAs embedding this motif and mutagenesis proved the binding specificity. Notably, PCBP2 binding requires SYNCRIP, a previously characterized miRNA EV-loader as indicated by SYNCRIP knock-down.

SYNCRIP and PCBP2 may contemporarily bind to miRNAs as demonstrated by EMSA assays and PCBP2 knock-down causes EV-loading of intracellular microRNAs.

This evidence highlights that multiple proteins/miRNA interactions govern miRNA compartmentalization and identifies PCBP2 as a dominant inhibitor of SYNCRIP function.

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