Monoclonal nanobodies alter the activity and assembly of the yeast vacuolar H+-ATPase
The vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase; V1Vo) is a multi-subunit rotary nanomotor proton pump that acidifies organelles in virtually all eukaryotic cells, and extracellular spaces in some specialized tissues of higher organisms. Evidence suggests that metastatic breast cancers mislocalize V-ATPase to the plasma membrane to promote cell survival and facilitate metastasis, making the V-ATPase a potential drug target. We have generated a library of camelid single-domain antibodies (Nanobodies; Nbs) against lipid-nanodisc reconstituted yeast V-ATPase Voproton channel subcomplex. Here, we present an in-depth characterization of three anti-VoNbs using biochemical and biophysicalin vitroexperiments. We find that the Nbs bind Vowith high affinity, with one Nb inhibiting holoenzyme activity and another one preventing enzyme assembly. Using cryoEM, we find that two of the Nbs bind thecsubunit ring of the Voon the lumen side of the complex. Additionally, we show that one of the Nbs raised against yeast Vocan pull down human V-ATPase (HsV1Vo). Our research demonstrates Nb versatility to target and modulate the activity of the V-ATPase, and highlights the potential for future therapeutic Nb development.
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