Run-and-tumble dynamics ofE. coliis governed by its mechanical properties
The huge variety of microorganisms motivates fundamental studies of their behavior with a possibility to construct artificial mimics. A prominent example is theE. colibacterium which employs several helical flagella to exhibit a motility pattern that alternates between run (directional swimming) and tumble (change in swimming direction) phases. We establish a detailedE. colimodel, coupled to fluid flow described by the dissipative particle dynamics method, and investigate its run-and-tumble behavior. DifferentE. colicharacteristics, including body geometry, flagella bending rigidity, the number of flagella and their arrangement at the body are considered. Experiments are also performed to directly compare with the model. Interestingly, in both simulations and experiments, the swimming velocity is nearly independent of the number of flagella. The rigidity of a hook (the short part of a flagellum which connects it directly to the motor), polymorphic transformation (spontaneous change in flagella helicity) of flagella, and their arrangement at the body surface strongly influence the run-and-tumble behavior. Mesoscale hydrodynamics simulations with the developed model help us better understand physical mechanisms which governE. colidynamics, yielding the run-and-tumble behavior that compares well with experimental observations. This model can further be used to explore the behavior ofE. coliand other peritrichous bacteria in more complex realistic environments.
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