SRS microscopy identifies inhibition of vitellogenesis as a mediator of lifespan extension by caloric restriction in C. elegans

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The molecular mechanisms of aging are not fully understood. Here, we used label-free Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy to investigate changes in proteins and lipids throughout the lifespan of C. elegans. We observed a dramatic buildup of proteins within the body cavity or pseudocoelom of aged adults that was blunted by interventions that extend lifespan: caloric restriction (CR) and the reduced insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS) pathway. Using a combination of microscopy, proteomic analysis, and validation with mutant strains, we identified vitellogenins as the key molecular components of the protein buildup in the pseudocoelom. Vitellogenins shuttle nutrients from intestine to embryos and are homologous to human apolipoprotein B, the causal driver of cardiovascular disease. We then showed that CR and knockdown of vitellogenins both extend lifespan by >60%, but their combination has no additional effect on lifespan, suggesting that CR extends the lifespan of C. elegans in part by inhibiting vitellogenesis. The extensive dataset of more than 12,000 images stitched into over 350 whole-animal SRS images of C. elegans at different ages and subjected to different longevity intervention will be a valuable resource for researchers interested in aging.

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