Recent demographic histories and genetic diversity across pinnipeds are shaped by anthropogenic interactions and mediated by ecology and life-history

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A central paradigm in conservation biology is that population bottlenecks reduce genetic diversity and negatively impact population viability and adaptive potential. In an era of unprecedented biodiversity loss and climate change, understanding both the determinants and consequences of bottlenecks in wild populations is therefore an increasingly important challenge. However, as most studies have focused on single species, the multitude of potential drivers and the consequences of bottlenecks remain elusive. Here, we used a comparative approach by integrating genetic data from over 11,000 individuals of 30 pinniped species with demographic, ecological and life history data to elucidate the consequences of large-scale commercial exploitation by 18thand 19thcentury sealers. We show that around one third of these species exhibit strong genetic signatures of recent population declines, with estimated bottleneck effective population sizes reflecting just a few tens of surviving individuals in the most extreme cases. Bottleneck strength was strongly associated with both breeding habitat and mating system variation, and together with global abundance explained a large proportion of the variation in genetic diversity across species. Overall, there was no relationship between bottleneck intensity and IUCN status, although three of the four most heavily bottlenecked species are currently endangered. Our study reveals an unforeseen interplay between anthropogenic exploitation, ecology, life history and demographic declines, sheds new light on the determinants of genetic diversity, and is consistent with the notion that both genetic and demographic factors influence population viability.

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