Laniakea: an open solution to provide Galaxy “on-demand” instances over heterogeneous cloud infrastructures

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Galaxy is rapidly becoming the de facto standard among workflow managers for bioinformatics. A rich feature set, its overall flexibility, and a thriving community of enthusiastic users are among the main factors contributing to the popularity of Galaxy and Galaxy based applications. One of the main advantages of Galaxy consists in providing access to sophisticated analysis pipelines, e.g., involving numerous steps and large data sets, even to users lacking computer proficiency, while at the same time improving reproducibility and facilitating teamwork and data sharing among researchers. Although several Galaxy public services are currently available, these resources are often overloaded with a large number of jobs and offer little or no customization options to end users. Moreover, there are scenarios where a private Galaxy instance still constitutes a more viable alternative, including, but not limited to, heavy workloads, data privacy concerns or particular needs of customization. In such cases, a cloud-based virtual Galaxy instance can represent a solution that overcomes the typical burdens of managing the local hardware and software infrastructure needed to run and maintain a production-grade Galaxy service.


Here we present Laniakea, a robust and feature-rich software suite which can be deployed on any scientific or commercial Cloud infrastructure in order to provide a “Galaxy on demand” Platform as a Service (PaaS). Laying its foundations on the INDIGO-DataCloud middleware, which has been developed to accommodate the needs of a large number of scientific communities, Laniakea can be deployed and provisioned over multiple architectures by private or public e-infrastructures. The end user interacts with Laniakea through a front-end that allows a general setup of the Galaxy instance, then Laniakea takes charge of the deployment both of the virtual hardware and all the software components. At the end of the process the user has access to a private, production-grade, yet fully customizable, Galaxy virtual instance. Laniakea’s supports the deployment of plain or cluster backed Galaxy instances, shared reference data volumes, encrypted data volumes and rapid development of novel Galaxy flavours, that is Galaxy configurations tailored for specific tasks. As a proof of concept, we provide a demo Laniakea instance hosted at an ELIXIR-IT Cloud facility.


The migration of scientific computational services towards virtualization and e-infrastructures is one of the most visible trends of our times. Laniakea provides Cloud administrators with a ready-to-use software suite that enables them to offer Galaxy, a popular workflow manager for bioinformatics, as an on-demand PaaS to their users. We believe that Laniakea can concur in making the many advantages of using Galaxy more accessible to a broader user base by removing most of the burdens involved in running a private instance. Finally, Laniakea’s design is sufficiently general and modular that could be easily adapted to support different services and platforms beyond Galaxy.

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