Animal Behavior and Cognition
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Probing the decision-making mechanisms underlying choice between drug and nondrug rewards in rats
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A naturalistic environment to study natural social behaviors and cognitive tasks in freely moving monkeys
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Simulated poaching affects global connectivity and efficiency in social networks of African savanna elephants - an exemplar of how human disturbance impacts group-living species
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Detecting fine and elaborate movements with piezo sensors, from heartbeat to the temporal organization of behavior
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Analysis of Ultrasonic Vocalizations from Mice Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
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Independent mechanisms of temporal and linguistic cue correspondence benefiting audiovisual speech processing
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Replay as structural inference in the hippocampal-entorhinal system
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A Decentralised Neural Model Explaining Optimal Integration of Navigational Strategies in Insects
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Reversal learning of visual cues in Heliconiini butterflies
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The use of pigs vocalisation structure to assess the quality of human-pig relationship
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