Developmental Biology
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Gestational exposure to high heat-humidity conditions impairs mouse embryonic development
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Dynamic readout of the Hh gradient in the Drosophila wing disc reveals pattern-specific tradeoffs between robustness and precision
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BMP signalling facilitates transit amplification in the developing chick and human cerebellum
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The gut contractile organoid: a novel model for studying the gut motility regulated by coordinating signals between interstitial cells of Cajal and smooth muscles
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TMC7 deficiency causes acrosome biogenesis defects and male infertility in mice
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Patterned embryonic invagination evolved in response to mechanical instability
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Microtubule networks in zebrafish hair cells facilitate presynapse transport and fusion during development
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Hemodynamics regulate spatiotemporal artery muscularization in the developing circle of Willis
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Modular control of time and space during vertebrate axis segmentation
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Zebrafish reveal new roles for Fam83f in hatching and the DNA damage-mediated autophagic response
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