Evolutionary Biology
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Genetic and karyotype divergence between parents affect clonality and sterility in hybrids
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Far From Home: Evolution of haploid and diploid populations reveals common, strong, and variable pleiotropic effects in non-home environments
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Coevolution of the CDCA7-HELLS ICF-related nucleosome remodeling complex and DNA methyltransferases
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How microscopic epistasis and clonal interference shape the fitness trajectory in a spin glass model of microbial long-term evolution
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Down the Penrose stairs: How selection for fewer recombination hotspots maintains their existence
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Mechanistic and evolutionary insights into isoform-specific ‘supercharging’ in DCLK family kinases
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Large-scale analyses reveal the contribution of adaptive evolution in pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungal species
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Whole-genomes from the extinct Xerces Blue butterfly can help identify declining insect species
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Trophic eggs affect caste determination in the antPogonomyrmex rugosus
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Genome-wide association and environmental suppression of the mortal germline phenotype of wildC. elegans
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