Evolutionary Biology
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Freshwater sponge hosts and their green algae symbionts: a tractable model to understand intracellular symbiosis
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Simulation of bacterial populations with SLiM
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Effects of partial selfing on the equilibrium genetic variance, mutation load and inbreeding depression under stabilizing selection
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Coevolution of virulence and immunosuppression in multiple infections
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Reconstruction of body mass evolution in the Cetartiodactyla and mammals using phylogenomic data
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Renewed diversification following Miocene landscape turnover in a Neotropical butterfly radiation
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Evolutionary Analysis of Candidate Non-Coding Elements Regulating Neurodevelopmental Genes in Vertebrates
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The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Dendrobium nobile, an endangered medicinal orchid from Northeast India and its comparison with related chloroplast genomes of Dendrobium species
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Alteration of gut microbiota with a broad-spectrum antibiotic does not impair maternal care in the European earwig
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Relaxation of purifying selection suggests low effective population size in eusocial Hymenoptera and solitary pollinating bees
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