Evolutionary Biology
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Transposable Elements are an evolutionary force shaping genomic plasticity in the parthenogenetic root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita
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Multi-model inference of non-random mating from an information theoretic approach
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Separate the wheat from the chaff: genomic scan for local adaptation in the red coralCorallium rubrum
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Using connectivity to identify climatic drivers of local adaptation
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Pleiotropy or linkage? Their relative contributions to the genetic correlation of quantitative traits and detection by multi-trait GWA studies
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The successful invasion of the European earwig across North America reflects adaptations to thermal regimes but not mean temperatures
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Genomic imprinting mediates dosage compensation in a young plant XY system
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Convergent evolution as an indicator for selection during acute HIV-1 infection
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Genomic data provides new insights on the demographic history and the extent of recent material transfers in Norway spruce
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Modularity of genes involved in local adaptation to climate despite physical linkage
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