Evolutionary Biology
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What is an archaeon and are the Archaea really unique?
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Characterizing gene tree conflict in plastome-inferred phylogenies
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Performance in a novel environment subject to ghost competition
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Phylogenetic relationships in the southern African genusDrosanthemum(Ruschioideae, Aizoaceae)
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Host dietary specialization and neutral assembly shape gut bacterial communities of wild dragonflies
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The divergence history of European blue mussel species reconstructed from Approximate Bayesian Computation: the effects of sequencing techniques and sampling strategies
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Allele specific expression and methylation in the bumblebee,Bombus terrestris
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Pathogenic amino acids in mitochondrial proteins more frequently arise in lineages closely related to human than in distant lineages
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Demographic inference through approximate-Bayesian-computation skyline plots
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phydms: Software for phylogenetic analyses informed by deep mutational scanning
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