Systems Biology
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KinCytE- a Kinase to Cytokine Explorer to Identify Molecular Regulators and Potential Therapeutic Opportunities
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Spatial-temporal order-disorder transition in angiogenic NOTCH signaling controls cell fate specification
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The genetic and dietary landscape of the muscle insulin signalling network
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Emergence of planar cell polarity from the interplay of local interactions and global gradients
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The ability to sense the environment is heterogeneously distributed in cell populations
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Knock-down of a regulatory barcode shifts macrophage polarization destination from M1 to M2 and increases pathogen burden uponS. aureusinfection
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Liebig’s law of the minimum in the TGF-β/SMAD pathway
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Dynamic analysis and control of a rice-pest system under transcritical bifurcations
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Inference of drug off-target effects on cellular signaling using Interactome-Based Deep Learning
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Evolutionary druggability: leveraging low-dimensional fitness landscapes towards new metrics for antimicrobial applications
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