Aging Science
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SciELO Preprints
Multi-tissue transcriptomic aging atlas reveals predictive aging biomarkers in the killifish
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Simultaneous profiling of native-state proteomes and transcriptomes of neural cell types using proximity labeling
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Gene module-trait network analysis uncovers cell type specific systems and genes relevant to Alzheimer’s Disease
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Evaluation of the mechanical properties of implant-supported permanent crowns manufactured by additive and subtractive techniques: an in vitro study
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Fast, flexible analysis of differences in cellular composition with crumblr
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Aging: an inevitable road toward gut microbiota pathoadaptation
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Nuclear Import Defects Drive Cell Cycle Dysregulation in Neurodegeneration
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Processivity and BDNF-dependent modulation of signalling endosome axonal transport are impaired in aged mice
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Microglial plasticity governed by state-specific enhancer landscapes
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Blood mitochondrial health markers cf-mtDNA and GDF15 in human aging
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