Evaluated articles
A list by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology
Articles that have been evaluated by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology.
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Unraveling genetic load dynamics during biological invasion: insights from two invasive insect species
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Discordant population structure inferred from male- and female-type mtDNAs fromMacoma balthica, a bivalve species characterized by doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria
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Dark side of the honeymoon: reconstructing the Asian x European rose breeding history through the lens of genomics
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Partitioning the phenotypic variance of reaction norms
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Sex-biased gene expression across tissues reveals unexpected differentiation in the gills of the threespine stickleback
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Error retrieving metadata for 10.5281/zenodo.11488687
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Faster model-based estimation of ancestry proportions
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A genomic duplication spanning multiple P450s contributes to insecticide resistance in the dengue mosquitoAedes aegypti
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Cryptic species and hybridisation in corals: challenges and opportunities for conservation and restoration
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The impact of social complexity on the efficacy of natural selection in termites
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