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A list by Biophysics Colab
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The bile acid-sensitive ion channel is gated by Ca2+-dependent conformational changes in the transmembrane domain
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Monoclonal nanobodies alter the activity and assembly of the yeast vacuolar H+-ATPase
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Human transporter de-oligomerization regulates copper uptake into cells
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The impact of subunit type, alternative splicing, and auxiliary proteins on AMPA receptor trafficking
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GPCRchimeraDB: A database of chimeric G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) to assist their design
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Structures of the human adult muscle-type nicotinic receptor in resting and desensitised states
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Backbone and Sidechain1H,15N and13C Resonance Assignments of a Multidrug Efflux Membrane Protein using Solution and Solid-State NMR
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Butyrolactol A is a phospholipid flippase inhibitor that potentiates the bioactivity of caspofungin against resistant fungi
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An arginine switch drives the stepwise activation of β-arrestin
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FGF12A Regulates Nav1.5 via CaM-regulated and CaM-independent Mechanisms
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