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demuxSNP: supervised demultiplexing scRNAseq using cell hashing and SNPs
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stMMR: accurate and robust spatial domain identification from spatially resolved transcriptomics with multi-modal feature representation
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De novo assembly and characterization of a highly degenerated ZW sex chromosome in the fish Megaleporinus macrocephalus
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CAT Bridge: An Efficient Toolkit for Gene-Metabolite Association Mining from Multi-Omics Data
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Discovering genotype-phenotype relationships with machine learning and the Visual Physiology Opsin Database (VPOD)
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CoCoPyE: feature engineering for learning and prediction of genome quality indices
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A data standard for the reuse and reproducibility of any stable isotope probing-derived nucleic acid sequence (MISIP)
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StereoSiTE: A framework to spatially and quantitatively profile the cellular neighborhood organized iTME
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V-pipe 3.0: a sustainable pipeline for within-sample viral genetic diversity estimation
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TooManyCellsInteractive: a visualization tool for dynamic exploration of single-cell data
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