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Error retrieving metadata for 10.5281/zenodo.14928694
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CryoNeRF: reconstruction of homogeneous and heterogeneous cryo-EM structures using neural radiance field
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Discovery of Novel Inhibitors of HMG-CoA Reductase using Bioactive Compounds isolated from Cochlospermum Species through Computational Methods
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Task-specific topology of brain networks supporting working memory and inhibition
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Pervasive neurovascular dysfunction in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of female depressed suicides with a history of childhood abuse
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Microglia from patients with multiple sclerosis display a cell-autonomous immune activation state
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Oropouche Fever Associated with Combined Central and Peripheral Demyelination (CCPD): A Case Report from Ceará, Brazil, 2024
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Alveolar metabolite availability facilitates secondary infection byPseudomonas aeruginosain acutely injured lungs
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Morphology-dependent entry kinetics and spread of influenza A virus
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Butyrolactol A is a phospholipid flippase inhibitor that potentiates the bioactivity of caspofungin against resistant fungi
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