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A practical DNA data storage using expanded alphabet introducing 5-methylcytosine
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Polyploid genome assembly ofCardamine chenopodiifolia
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The genome of the sapphire damselfishChrysiptera cyanea: a new resource to support further investigation of the evolution of Pomacentrids
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NeuroVar: An Open-source Tool for Gene Expression and Variation Data Visualization for Biomarkers of Neurological Diseases
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Whole-genome re-sequencing of the Baikal seal and other phocid seals for a glimpse into their genetic diversity, demographic history, and phylogeny
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TSTA: Thread and SIMD-Based Trapezoidal Pairwise/Multiple Sequence Alignment Method
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Chromosome-level genome assembly and annotation of the crested gecko,Correlophus ciliatus, a lizard incapable of tail regeneration
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SMARTER-database: a tool to integrate SNP array datasets for sheep and goat breeds
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NucBalancer: Streamlining Barcode Sequence Selection for Optimal Sample Pooling for Sequencing
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V-pipe 3.0: a sustainable pipeline for within-sample viral genetic diversity estimation
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