Castedo's selected articles
A list by Castedo Ellerman
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The temporal and genomic scale of selection following hybridization
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Developing an evolutionary baseline model for humans: jointly inferring purifying selection with population history
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slendr: a framework for spatio-temporal population genomic simulations on geographic landscapes
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Advancing the culture of peer review with preprints
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Local Ancestry Inference for Complex Population Histories
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Unsupervised Discovery of Ancestry Informative Markers and Genetic Admixture Proportions in Biobank-Scale Data Sets
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Deciphering the genetic structure of the Quebec founder population using genealogies
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Simultaneous Inference of Past Demography and Selection from the Ancestral Recombination Graph under the Beta Coalescent
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An island “endemic” born out of hybridization between introduced lineages
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Evaluation of methods for estimating coalescence times using ancestral recombination graphs
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