Evaluated articles
A list by Peer Community in Animal Science
Articles that have been evaluated by Peer Community in Animal Science.
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Error retrieving metadata for 10.5281/zenodo.10974491
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Understanding the implementation of antimicrobial resistance policies in Vietnam: a multilayer analysis of the veterinary drug value chain
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Error retrieving metadata for 10.5281/zenodo.10420600
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Goats who stare at video screens – assessing behavioural responses of goats towards images of familiar and unfamiliar con- and heterospecifics
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On-farm hatching and contact with adult hen post hatch induce sex-dependent effects on performance, health and robustness in broiler chickens
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Pig herd management and infection transmission dynamics: a challenge for modellers
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Assessing the potential of germplasm collections for the management of genetic diversity: the case of the French National Cryobank
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Validation of a Radio frequency identification system for tracking location of laying hens in a quasi-commercial aviary system
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The use of pigs vocalisation structure to assess the quality of human-pig relationship
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Feed efficiency of lactating Holstein cows was not as repeatable across diets as within diet over subsequent lactation stages
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