@cwarden45's saved articles
A list by Charles Warden
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Rare variants contribute disproportionately to quantitative trait variation in yeast
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Accuracy of somatic variant detection in multiregional tumor sequencing data
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Determining sufficient sequencing depth in RNA-Seq differential expression studies
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A custom genotyping array reveals population-level heterogeneity for the genetic risks of prostate cancer and other cancers in Africa
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Widespread positive selection for mRNA secondary structure at synonymous sites in domesticated yeast
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Assessing the analytical validity of SNP-chips for detecting very rare pathogenic variants: implications for direct-to-consumer genetic testing
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MinION sequencing of seafood in Singapore reveals creatively labelled flatfishes, confused roe, pig DNA in squid balls, and phantom crustaceans
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Population genetics of the coralAcropora millepora: Towards a genomic predictor of bleaching
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Finding a suitable library size to call variants in RNA-seq
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Ancestry-Specific Predisposing Germline Variants in Cancer
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