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A conserved chronobiological complex timesC. elegansdevelopment
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Plasma Membrane Remodelling in GM2 Gangliosidoses Drives Synaptic Dysfunction
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Dual roles of EGO-1 and RRF-1 in regulating germline exo-RNAi efficiency inCaenorhabditis elegans
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Selective autophagy fine-tunes Stat92E activity by degrading Su(var)2-10/PIAS during glial injury signaling inDrosophila
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TXNIP mediates LAT1/SLC7A5 endocytosis to reduce amino acid uptake in cells entering quiescence
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Progressive chromosome shape changes quantified during cell divisions
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Distinct proliferative and neuronal programmes of chromatin binding and gene activation by ASCL1 are cell cycle stage-specific
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Morphology-dependent entry kinetics and spread of influenza A virus
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One probe fits all: a highly customizable modular RNAin situhybridization platform expanding the application of SABER DNA probes
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SARS-CoV-2 remodels the Golgi apparatus to facilitate viral assembly and secretion
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