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Ribosomal RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase I is regulated by premature termination of transcription
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Modularity of the segmentation clock and morphogenesis
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Hormone circuit analysis explains why most HPA drugs fail for mood disorders and predicts the few that work
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Epigenetic liquid biopsies reveal elevated vascular endothelial cell turnover and erythropoiesis in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients
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Srs2/PARI DNA helicase mediates abscission inhibition in response to chromatin bridges in yeast and human cells
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Dynamic multi-omics and mechanistic modeling approach uncovers novel mechanisms of kidney fibrosis progression
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Proximity Interactome analyses unveil novel regulators of IRE1α canonical signaling
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An unconventional interaction interface between the peroxisomal targeting factor Pex5 and Eci1 enables PTS1 independent import
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Tension-induced suppression of allosteric conformational changes explains coordinated stepping of kinesin-1
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Kinetic regulation of kinesin’s two motor domains coordinates its stepping along microtubules
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