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Ancestral sequence reconstruction of the Mic60 Mitofilin domain reveals residues supporting respiration in yeast
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A zebrafish circuit for behavioral credit assignment
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Scaly-Tail Organ Enhances Static Stability during Pel’s Scaly-tailed Flying Squirrels’ Arboreal Locomotion
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Tidyplots empowers life scientists with easy code-based data visualization
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Megakaryocytes assemble a three-dimensional cage of extracellular matrix that controls their maturation and anchoring to the vascular niche
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Discovery of a Potent and Selective Inhibitor of Human NLRP3 with a Novel Binding Modality and Mechanism of Action
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Fis1 is required for the development of the dendritic mitochondrial network in pyramidal cortical neurons
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Visually-guided compensation of deafening-induced song deterioration
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Mechanical stresses govern myoblast fusion and myotube growth
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IMMClock reveals immune aging and T cell function at single-cell resolution
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