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Restoring mechanophenotype reverts malignant properties of ECM-enriched vocal fold cancer
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From impact metrics and open science to communicating research: Journalists’ awareness of academic controversies
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Germplasm stability in zebrafish requires maternal Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c
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New evidence for the presence and function of phosphoinositides (PPIs) in the chloroplast
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Leukocytes use endothelial membrane tunnels to extravasate the vasculature
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Investigating Mechanically Activated Currents from Trigeminal Neurons of Non-Human Primates
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Platelet-derived LPA16:0 inhibits adult neurogenesis and stress resilience in anxiety disorder
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Circadian modulation of mosquito host-seeking persistence by Pigment-Dispersing Factor impacts daily biting patterns
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Geometric analysis of airway trees shows that lung anatomy evolved to enable explosive ventilation and prevent barotrauma in cetaceans
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Hippocampal neuroinflammation causes sex-specific disruptions in action selection, food approach memories, and neuronal activation
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