Evaluated articles
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Fast evolutionary turnover and overlapping variances of sex-biased gene expression patterns defy a simple binary classification of sexes
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Genome-wide analysis of anterior-posterior mRNA regionalization inStentor coeruleusreveals a role for the microtubule cytoskeleton
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Organ structure and bacterial microbiogeography in a reproductive organ of the Hawaiian bobtail squid reveal dimensions of a defensive symbiosis
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Aquavert – Imaging and Microfluidics for Vertical Swimming of Microorganisms
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Adaptive cellular evolution in the intestinal tracts of hyperdiverse African cichlid fishes
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In silico evolution of globular protein folds from random sequences
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Non-invasive epidermal proteome assessment-based diagnosis and molecular subclassification of psoriasis and eczematous dermatitis
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ConvCGP: A Convolutional Neural Network to Predict Genotypic Values of Rice Traits from Compressed Genome-Wide Polymorphisms
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A Large-Scale Foundation Model for RNA Function and Structure Prediction
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SpotMAX: a generalist framework for multi-dimensional automatic spot detection and quantification
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