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A list by Dr. Ailis O'Carroll
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RIG-I activation primes and trains innate antiviral immune memory
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Imbalanced immune response and dysregulation of neural functions underline fatal opportunistic encephalitis caused by astrovirus
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MyD88 Mediates Colitis- and RANKL-induced Microfold Cell Differentiation
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Domain fusion TLR2-4 enhances the autophagy-dependent clearance of Staphylococcus aureus in the genetic engineering goat generated by CRISPR/Cas9
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The Toll and Imd pathway, the complement system and lectins during immune response of the nemertean Lineus ruber
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A zebrafish model of COVID-19-associated cytokine storm syndrome reveals that the Spike protein signals via TLR2
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TLR4 regulates proinflammatory intestinal immune responses mediated by an atopic gut microbiota
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Body-plan reorganization in a sponge correlates with microbiome change
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Bringing Plant Immunity to Light: A Genetically Encoded, Bioluminescent Reporter of Pattern Triggered Immunity inNicotiana benthamiana
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The porcine cGAS-STING pathway exerts an unusual antiviral function independent of IFN and autophagy
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