@MariusPeelen's saved articles
A list by Marius Peelen
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Semantic scene-object consistency modulates N300/400 EEG components, but does not automatically facilitate object representations
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The contribution of object size, manipulability, and stability on neural responses to inanimate objects
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Beyond category-supervision: instance-level contrastive learning models predict human visual system responses to objects
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Emergent selectivity for scenes, object properties, and contour statistics in feedforward models of scene-preferring cortex
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Real-world size of objects serves as an axis of object space
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Concurrent contextual and time-distant mnemonic information co-exist as feedback in human visual cortex
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Dynamic Domain Specificity In Human Ventral Temporal Cortex
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Functionally analogous body- and animacy-responsive areas in the dog (Canis familiaris) and human occipito-temporal lobe
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PyMVPD: A toolbox for multivariate pattern dependence
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Cortical Face-Selective Responses Emerge Early in Human Infancy
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