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Streamlining remote nanopore data access withslow5curl
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On the variability of dynamic functional connectivity assessment methods
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Pangenome databases provide superior host removal and mycobacteria classification from clinical metagenomic data
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Improved integration of single cell transcriptome data demonstrated on heart failure in mice and men
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Multi-omic dataset of patient-derived tumor organoids of neuroendocrine neoplasms
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The probability of edge existence due to node degree: a baseline for network-based predictions
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spatiAlign: An Unsupervised Contrastive Learning Model for Data Integration of Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics
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Machine Learning Made Easy (MLme): A Comprehensive Toolkit for Machine Learning-Driven Data Analysis
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A Multi-omics Data Analysis Workflow Packaged as a FAIR Digital Object
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Vulture: Cloud-enabled scalable mining of microbial reads in public scRNA-seq data
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