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A list by Dr. Maria Eichel-Vogel
Articles that are being read by Dr. Maria Eichel-Vogel.
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Unmyelinated neurons use Neuregulin signals to promote myelination of neighboring neurons in the CNS
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Myelin insulation as a risk factor for axonal degeneration in autoimmune demyelinating disease
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Oligodendrocyte origin and development in the zebrafish visual system
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Oligodendrocytes form paranodal bridges that generate chains of myelin sheaths that are vulnerable to degeneration with age
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Single-nuclei paired multiomic analysis of young, aged, and Parkinson’s disease human midbrain reveals age- and disease-associated glial changes and their contribution to Parkinson’s disease
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Chronic demyelination of rabbit lesions is attributable to failed oligodendrocyte progenitor cell repopulation
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FRaeppli, a multispectral imaging toolbox for cell tracing and dense tissue analysis in zebrafish
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Cd59 and inflammation orchestrate Schwann cell development
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“Axonal Length Determines distinct homeostatic phenotypes in human iPSC derived motor neurons on a bioengineered platform”
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Axon Diameter Measurements using Diffusion MRI are Infeasible
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