Evaluated articles
A list by ASAPbio crowd review
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Direct Cell Extraction of Membrane Proteins for Structure-Function Analysis
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Profiling dynamic RNA-protein interactions using small molecule-induced RNA editing
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ATP-competitive and allosteric inhibitors induce differential conformational changes at the autoinhibitory interface of Akt
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MitoStores: Chaperone-controlled protein granules store mitochondrial precursors in the cytosol
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Adiponectin Reverses β-Cell Damage and Impaired Insulin Secretion Induced by Obesity
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MND1 enables repair of two-ended DNA double-strand breaks
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Golgi localized Arl15 regulates cargo transport, cell adhesion and motility
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Anti-apoptotic BH3-only proteins inhibit Bak-dependent apoptosis
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Comparative analysis of actin visualization by genetically encoded probes in cultured neurons
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Depletion of Plasma Membrane PI4P by ORP5 Requires Hydrolysis by SAC1 in Acceptor Membranes
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