Evaluated articles
A list by ASAPbio crowd review
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Dynamicin vivomapping of the methylproteome using a chemoenzymatic approach
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PERK-ATAD3A interaction protects mitochondrial proteins synthesis during ER stress
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Human mtRF1 terminates COX1 translation and its ablation induces mitochondrial ribosome-associated quality control
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Short-term molecular consequences of chromosome mis-segregation for genome stability
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lncRNA H19/Let7b/EZH2 axis regulates somatic cell senescence
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Nanog organizes transcription bodies
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Structural basis for RNA-mediated assembly of type V CRISPR-associated transposons
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Replicative aging impedes stress-induced assembly of a key human protein disaggregase
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A single-component luminescent biosensor for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
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Single-cell intracellular pH dynamics regulate the cell cycle by timing G1 exit and the G2 transition
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