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Interactive Bioacoustic Playback as a Tool for Detecting and Exploring Nonhuman Intelligence: âConversingâ with an Alaskan Humpback Whale
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Integrated Single-Dose Kinome Profiling Data is Predictive of Cancer Cell Line Sensitivity to Kinase Inhibitors
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Dynamic analysis and control of a rice-pest system under transcritical bifurcations
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Twitter as a community communication tool for international neuroscience conferences
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miR2Trait: an integrated resource for investigating miRNA-disease associations
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The 16S microbiota of Budu, the Malaysian fermented anchovy sauce
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Construction of competing endogenous RNA interaction networks as prognostic markers in metastatic melanoma
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Dinophiliformia early neurogenesis suggests the evolution of conservative neural structures across the Annelida phylogenetic tree
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Spatial and temporal dynamics of SAR11 marine bacteria sampled across a nearshore to offshore transect in the tropical Pacific Ocean
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Assessing whitefly diversity to infer about begomovirus dynamics in cassava in Brazil
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