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The Poisson process is the universal law of cancer development: driver mutations accumulate randomly, silently, at constant average rate and for many decades, likely in stem cells
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The effect of ethanol concentration on the morphological and molecular preservation of insects for biodiversity studies
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Lots of movement, little progress: A review of reptile home range literature
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Predicted distribution of a rare and understudied forest carnivore: Humboldt martens (Martes caurina humboldtensis)
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Living Shorelines Achieve Functional Equivalence to Natural Fringe Marshes across Multiple Ecological Metrics
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Rephine.r: a pipeline for correcting gene calls and clusters to improve phage pangenomes and phylogenies
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PyDamage: automated ancient damage identification and estimation for contigs in ancient DNAde novoassembly
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Ambulacrarian insulin-related peptides and their putative receptors suggest how insulin and similar peptides may have evolved from Insulin-like Growth Factor
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Evolutionary Inference Predicts Novel ACE2 Protein Interactions Relevant to COVID-19 Pathologies
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Only two out of five articles by New Zealand researchers are free-to-access: a multiple API study of access, citations, cost of Article Processing Charges (APC), and the potential to increase the proportion of open access
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