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Ultrastructure Expansion Microscopy reveals the nanoscale cellular architecture of budding and fission yeast
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
Spectacular expansion microscopy in yeast! I went straight for the cell wall digestion protocol so we can try it in a number of different algae
Condensation of the fusion focus by the intrinsically disordered region of the formin Fus1 is essential for cell-cell fusion
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
This is so cool! The intrinsically disordered region in a pombe formin is needed to generate the foci needed for actin mediated cell fusion. Both replacement and rescue generate the expected behaviors associated with condensation state. Lots of interesting papers recently on condensates mediating behaviors of actin regulators and polymerization!
Protrusion growth driven by myosin-generated force
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
Interesting study showing that membrane-anchored myosin can generate the force necessary for membrane protrusion beyond actin polymerization based mechanisms
Centriole growth is not limited by a finite pool of components, but is limited by the Cdk1/Cyclin-dependent phosphorylation of Ana2/STIL
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
Limiting component models in organelle size control are difficult to pin down as the limiting components themselves are hard to identify. This study identifies an alternate kinase-dependent model for centriole size control.
Ultrasensitivity of Microtubule severing rate on the concentration of free Tubulin
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
Nice! I haven’t played with this yet but it’s a new image analysis web app, Image Data Explorer.
Lithium-induced ciliary lengthening sparks Arp2/3 complex-dependent endocytosis
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
This week, I get to highlight our own preprint proposing a putative mechanism of lithium-mediated cilium extension through stimulating endocytosis to supply membrane to the cilium from the plasma membrane. We proposed this rapid route for ciliary material in our last preprint
Combined nanometric and phylogenetic analysis of unique endocytic compartments in Giardia lamblia sheds light on the evolution of endocytosis in Fornicata
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
Incredibly interesting study of endocytic adaptation in an obligate parasite in which a structural analog of clathrin light chain is predicted/identified.
Kinesin-1 transports morphologically distinct intracellular virions during vaccinia infection
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
Do yourself a favor and check out this exquisite characterization of vaccinia viron transport towards microtubule plus ends. In-cell deletion and microscopy, in vitro reconstitution, quantification of motor complexes associated with virons and viron speed … really beautiful work!
A quantitative and spatial analysis of cell cycle regulators during the fission yeast cycle
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
I love resources like this. A comprehensive look at expression levels and localization data for all 38 mitotic regulators in fission yeast during division.
Reconstructing physical cell interaction networks from single-cell data using Neighbor-seq
This article's authorsAnnotation by Prachee Avasthi Recommended Reading
Huh clever. Leveraging incomplete dissociation in scRNA-seq experiments to infer tissue architecture/cell-cell interactions.