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A Commander-independent function of COMMD3 in endosomal trafficking
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Negative regulation of miRNAs sorting in EVs: the RNA-binding protein PCBP2 impairs SYNCRIP-mediated miRNAs EVs loading
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Newly discovered and conserved role of IgM against viral infection in an early vertebrate
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Clathrin-independent endocytosis and retrograde transport in cancer cells promote cytotoxic CD8 T cell activation
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Stability vs flexibility: reshaping archaeal membranes in silico
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Neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex that are not modulated by hippocampal sharp-wave ripples are involved in spatial tuning and signaling upcoming choice
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Novel and optimized mouse behavior enabled by fully autonomous HABITS: Home-cage Assisted Behavioral Innovation and Testing System
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Sexual Failure Decreases Sweet Taste Perception in MaleDrosophilavia Dopaminergic Signaling
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Afadin-deficient retinas exhibit severe neuronal lamination defects but preserve visual functions
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A contextual fear conditioning paradigm in head-fixed mice exploring virtual reality
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